Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

I had never really thought about studying after finishing my degree. I don't like doctorates and magisters, but now that I think about it, what I would like to do is specialize me in biogeography. I love biodiversity in general and above all flora, I love it. I would like to study in Chile, in some more southern university, in the south there is a lot of diversity and beautiful species. I would like to study and live a full-time study. I would love to leave Santiago and better if it is to study. I really wish this plan to work, however I am aware that everything can happen, I have 2 years to finish the race and maybe when I finish I am not interested in the same subject or I like other things, or maybe I specialize in several things hahaha. I also like glaciology, its a very difficult i think, but I could still accept it as a challenge, although I might want to live far from my current home and I think I would miss many things but it would be an interesting way to go. Goodbye an...