Post 2: The Best Concert ever
When I was 12 years old I was to Movistar Arena I heard a concert of Panic At the disco band, this band I dont like but I went for take my best friend Loreto, she is fanatic this band, she love vocalist Brendon Urie, I think he is so uglyy haha. I dont like go a concert because they are very noisy, but a concert is a funny moment also you can meet with your friends or your family and enjoy all day. This day we arrived very early to Parque Ohiggins, and there were many people, all people be so happy in this place and I had very hot and bored in the queue, this concert was in November. Anyway when started this concert I found the song is very original and I like this songs, but I wouldn't go again because go a concert is very expensive.
I never go a concert of my favorite music, my favorite band is Soda Stereo and my favorite singer is Gustavo Cerati, but go a concert this band is impossible :( and this is very sad. Also, I like Pink Floyd but Roger Water concert is very expensive for me.

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