A piece of art

The dark side of the moon, is a Pink Floyd álbum, released on 1973, is a CD but for me is a piece of art. Each of the 10 songs on the album are masterpieces, as if in their lyrics and melodies they had magic, i love this álbum and I think that in the best moments and experiences of my life I have listened “The dark side of the moon”.
The first time I listen to this álbum Was when I was about 13 years old, I dont remember who showed me this cd, but it is definitely an album that has accompanied me all these years Giving me joy and sometimes nostalgia.
I like this album because it has a touch of mystery that makes it special. My favorites song from this
album is “breathe” and Eclipse” this song relax me a lot. I've never had the chance to listen to the live album :( is so sad for me. I would like everyone to hear this magical álbum that everybody try
to discover all its mysteries just as I try to do it whenever I hear it. To have listened to
this album was the best thing that could happen to me. 


  1. camila, i don't like pink floyd, but you're still my friend.

  2. Cami! I think that Pink Floys is a good musician.
    I know some of his songs.


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