Hi everyone, today i will tell you about  something I'd like to learn, this is play the electric guitar, always i wanted have a rock band with my Friends, I think that is a wonderful and striking instrument but for me is very difficult to play it because i’m left handed, also I’ve  never  taken lessons, but the reaso is because they are very expensive and i don’t have time. I need motivation, agility, dedication and perseverance for play the guitar. I think that David Gilmour is the best guitarist in the world because i love Pink Floyd. My mon says “Slayer is the best guitarist” but i think that no, also i dont like guns n roses.

But playing guitar is not the only activity that i would like to do. I would like play handball, practice dancehall, play jazz and go to theater one a week.  I hope to do all things one day :)


  1. Could I sing with you in your band? Haha. I hope that in the future you can learn to play the guitar oo another of the activities that you like


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